Life Transitions

Life Transitions

Have you experienced a significant life change such as a death, divorce, or a job loss? Are you feeling stuck and finding it hard to move forward?

Or perhaps you are adjusting to a new phase in your life? Have you recently moved, gotten married, or had a child?

When there’s a big disappointment, we don’t know if that’s the end of the story. It may be just the beginning of a great adventure.”
-Pema Chödrön

One thing is sure — you will experience a variety of changes during your lifetime. Whether life changes are planned, or sudden and unexpected, it can be challenging to adjust. Life transitions, even the positive ones, can be difficult to manage, sometimes leaving you feeling stressed, vulnerable, and confused.

Mia can help you develop the tools and skills to manage life transitions with a curious and positive outlook. You will be empowered not only to adjust to and manage any change that comes your way but to find meaning and remain open to the possibilities that await you.

Change Can be Beneficial

Change, even that which is unwanted and unexpected, can lead to personal growth and transformation. It is often an opportunity to learn more about yourself and build resiliency to meet whatever the future holds.

Common Life Transitions

Some of the common life transitions Mia can help you navigate are:

  • Going away to university or study abroad
  • Adjusting to university life or your first professional job
  • Getting married
  • Having a baby
  • Parenting
  • Empty nest syndrome
  • Breakup, separation or divorce
  • Infidelity recovery
  • Retirement
  • Job loss or significant career change
  • Relocation
  • Financial gain/loss
  • Serious illness or disability
  • Issues about aging
  • Death of a loved one
  • Questioning the meaning of life
  • Questioning your faith/spirituality
  • Questioning your sexual/gender identity

Perhaps it’s time to speak with someone

While you may often be able to handle a change of any sort, sometimes you may find that you need help to adjust. Mia provides a warm and safe space to explore these challenges as she guides you in learning to manage transitions with confidence.

If you are struggling with a significant life transition, there is help available. Contact Mia today to learn how she can assist you.