The Importance of Community for Your Mental Health

Our mental health significantly impacts our quality of life, so it makes sense that we would want to do all we can to improve it. This may include things like eating healthy foods, exercising, and getting enough quality sleep each night.
But there is something else that greatly influences our mental health and that is a community and a sense of belonging. Human beings are wired for connection. It is through our connection to others we feel loved and supported and, importantly, are also able to give love and support to others. Having a support network of friends can help alleviate our stress and feel less alone.
If you have been feeling alone and isolated, here are some ways you can find your own community and begin to connect with others:
Go with What Interests You
What activities and hobbies do you have? You may want to join a book club or take a painting lesson. If you’re athletic or used to playing a sport in school, maybe you could join a local team. You’ll no doubt find it easier to connect with others who enjoy doing the same things you do.
Joining or can be a great way to meet new people while you are involved in activities you enjoy. Choose activities that interest you and this way even if you don’t make a long-lasting connection, you will still have fun. Consider starting a group yourself to bring others together around a common interest.
Being of service to others is highly rewarding, and volunteering is also a great way to connect with others who share similar values. In fact, giving of ourselves is linked to greater life satisfaction. What causes do you feel passionate about? What charities do you support? Check out their website or give them a call to see what volunteering opportunities they may have available.
Connect with Something Bigger Than Yourself
Do you have a particular religion or spiritual practice you connect with? Maybe it’s time to get back to your church or try taking that meditation class you’ve been thinking about. Is there a political cause that speaks to your heart? Helping others reach a meaningful goal can be a great way to find purpose in your own life.
Humans are not meant to be alone. We need to socialize. If you have been feeling down, now’s the time to go out and make some new connections.
And if you’ve been dealing with depression and anxiety for some time and could use someone to talk to, please give me a call.