Holiday Stress Prevention Tips

The holidays are right around the corner! And that means many of us will begin to lose our patience and good cheer, perhaps even feel as though we are losing our minds. Well, can you blame us? The holidays are one of the most stressful times of the year. Between shopping, decorating, and keeping your drunk aunt away from your recently widowed neighbor, it’s enough to pull your hair out!

If you tend to get a little stressed over the holidays, here are some tips to help you stay cool, calm, and collected.

Embrace Flaws

Nothing and no one is perfect. No matter how hard you try to have “the perfect holidays,” it’s simply not going to happen. Accept imperfections, embrace reality, and just focus on connecting with loved ones.

Manage Expectations

It is helpful to identify the expectations you might hold about what the holidays are supposed to look like. Are these expectations realistic? When we can manage our expectations and go into the holidays with an open mind and a willingness to accept they will not be perfect, we are more likely to go with the flow and enjoy ourselves.

Be Kind

Most of the people you will come in contact with will be stressed out as well. And some people feel very sad and depressed around the holidays because of loss and other trauma. Since you can’t know what’s in other people’s hearts and minds, and you can’t control other people’s actions, focus on controlling your own and show kindness. You’ll be surprised how you can positively affect another –perhaps even help them to change their attitude with a smile or thoughtful act.

Practice Self-Care

Often, when we feel stressed, our good habits go right out the window! Why eat healthy when you can shove holiday cake, cookies, and pie into your mouth? But unhealthy foods, too much alcohol, and not enough sleep will only exacerbate any stress you might be experiencing. So be sure to treat yourself well and take care of your health during this time.

Speak with Someone

If you are having a hard time dealing with stress, it’s a good idea to talk with someone. This could be a friend, family member, clergy, or therapist. Often, just having someone else hear us and validate our feelings can help relieve stress.

If you’d like to speak to someone, please get in touch with me. I’d love to help you de-stress so you and your loved ones can enjoy the holiday season.


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